Education serves as the cornerstone to human development. It is the strongest pillar that ensures the sustainable survival of our planet. I believe in education’s great marvel that transform our young minds that imbibe creative ideas. PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Khanapara serves as the best among the PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalayas of the Guwahati region. The Vidyalaya envisions empowering every child to achieve all round development in line with the vision of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. We see each child’s potential, ideas and skills as a unique repository that every effort is being made to discover and develop.
As a lifelong teacher and an educationist, I have witnessed our students excelling in different walks of life, grasping a new concept and solving a problem. These moments produce scientists, artists, writers, inventors, leaders and social reformers. Such moments inculcate a feeling of great pride in a teacher’s mind. At PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Khanapara, we have been nurturing the young brains by channelising their energy in a right direction. Our teaching faculty brings an enviable level of commitment and experience playing the roles of teacher, mentor, counsellor and guide with consummate skill to ensure holistic development of children.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatana as an institution setting a new pace in the field of education, initiates many programmes to build a healthy mind and healthy body in today’s young generation. In motivating students to strive for excellence through activities that promote creativity, critical thinking and innovation and adopt the right values of Indian culture, PM Shri K.V. Khanapara has exceeded its own standards to meet the expectations.
We are proud to implement the mission of KVS in all our endeavours and invite you to partner us in this pursuit of excellence in education. We are convinced of all your support and patronage. We can empower our young minds to achieve many milestones of success. It is significant to note that education should be given the foremost attention so that it can form character, increase strength of mind, expand the intellect by which the pupils can stand on their own feet. Only then they can be in a position to burn the mid night oil to come up to the expectations of modern and rapidly developing India besides competing with the best in the world.
I would like to impress upon the guardians of the children and the teachers that the need of the hour is to change our old mindset in order to make our society more vibrant, vigorous and dynamic. I am confident that I will be able to infuse new enthusiasm and intensity in the students and teachers to enhance and heighten their ability, intelligence, talent, aptitude and innate qualities and approach to subject matter, efficiency and proficiency so that PM SHRI K. V. Khanapara can touch the heights of success.