

    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Khanapara is a premier educational institution located at lush-green North Eastern Region of India under Guwahati Lok Sabha Constituency. This Vidyalaya’s inception was long back in 1966 as it was in the stage of infancy, but with the passage of time, under the leadership of able administrators as well as members of staff, it established itself as a most sought-after school, catering the needs of more than 2650 students from Balvatika-III to class XII.

    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Khanapara is a Civil Sector school situated at the posh area of Guwahati, Assam, located near Regional Science Centre and is affiliated with CBSE. The Vidyalaya’s vicinity stretches to Assam Administrative Staff College at one side & NIPCCD on the other while the tall green hills glimpses from the back of the Vidyalaya campus.

    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Khanapara is the oldest and one of the most prestigious Kendriya Vidyalayas in the North-East Region of India. The Vidyalaya offers Science, Commerce and Humanities Streams at +2 level with a number of optional subjects as per KVS norms extending an inclusive and wider opportunity to the students to opt for their choice of subjects catering their futuristic needs. It is a matter of immense pride that KVK alumni have excelled across the globe contributing in their own ways in different fields thereby strengthening global learning and harmony.